Wir suchen Autoren für interaktive Fiktion

Lerne von unseren Interactive Fiction Story Coaches.
Erstelle deine Stories mit unserer Game Engine TWIST.
Veröffentliche in unserem Geschichtenportal TWIST Tales.
Baue deine eigene Fangemeinde auf.
Verdiene Geld.
Sei glücklich.

Dein Interactive Story Gamestudio

Tritt der FIST of TWIST bei

Die FIST of TWIST ist unser weltweiter Pool an freiberuflichen interaktiven Supertalenten. Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Talenten, also bewerbt euch ruhig! Und natürlich ist es nicht umsonst. Du wirst mit Worten, Welten und Geschichten bezahlt! Aber wir werden kein Geld von dir verlangen.

Deine Vorteile

  1. Grundlizenz für unsere Game Engine TWIST
  2. Teilnahme an Storytelling Webinaren
  3. Teilnahme an unserem Interactive Audio Story Trainingsprogramm.
  4. Teilnahme an unseren Wettbewerben
  5. Auftragsarbeiten für Kundenprojekte
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Your Name
What's your background
What is your American English level?
What is your interactive fiction writing level?
Have you written an interactive story before?
Please provide a link, so we can check your writing level.
Feel free to brag about it 😉
Have you already played one of our Interactive Audio Stories?

If you haven’t done so already, you should play into one of our stories now:

Amazon Alexa: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KGSTZ5L

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dkezGjXe3A”

Website: https://twist-tales.com/games”

For freelance work, what stories would you like to write?
* TWIST Tales Originals are our own storylines and formats.
Which flowchart builders are you familiar with?
Which smart speakers do you use?
What would be your preferred way for an initial tutorial about our game engine TWIST?
Would you also be interested in Self Publishing your own stories with us?
I have read and agree to the privacy policy. You can withdrawl your agreement any time at the following adress: kontakt@ear-reality.de. You will find more information in our Datenschutzbestimmungen
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your Name
What's your background
What is your American English level?
What is your interactive fiction writing level?
Have you written an interactive story before?
Please provide a link, so we can check your writing level.
Feel free to brag about it 😉
Have you already played one of our Interactive Audio Stories?

If you haven’t done so already, you should play into one of our stories now:

Amazon Alexa: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KGSTZ5L

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dkezGjXe3A”

Website: https://twist-tales.com/games”

For freelance work, what stories would you like to write?
* TWIST Tales Originals are our own storylines and formats.
Which flowchart builders are you familiar with?
Which smart speakers do you use?
What would be your preferred way for an initial tutorial about our game engine TWIST?
Would you also be interested in Self Publishing your own stories with us?
I have read and agree to the privacy policy. You can withdrawl your agreement any time at the following adress: kontakt@ear-reality.de. You will find more information in our Datenschutzbestimmungen
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your Name
What's your background
What is your American English level?
What is your interactive fiction writing level?
Have you written an interactive story before?
Please provide a link, so we can check your writing level.
Feel free to brag about it 😉
Have you already played one of our Interactive Audio Stories?

If you haven’t done so already, you should play into one of our stories now:

Amazon Alexa: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KGSTZ5L

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dkezGjXe3A”

Website: https://twist-tales.com/games”

For freelance work, what stories would you like to write?
* TWIST Tales Originals are our own storylines and formats.
Which flowchart builders are you familiar with?
Which smart speakers do you use?
What would be your preferred way for an initial tutorial about our game engine TWIST?
Would you also be interested in Self Publishing your own stories with us?
I have read and agree to the privacy policy. You can withdrawl your agreement any time at the following adress: kontakt@ear-reality.de. You will find more information in our Datenschutzbestimmungen

Pitch uns deine Story Ideen

Welches Genre auch immer, wir lieben Kreativität und Vielfalt! Pitch uns deine Storyideen, wenn du möchtest, dass wir deine interaktive Geschichte publishen oder wenn du an Self-Publishing interessiert bist.

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Your Name
Have you applied for FIST of TWIST already?
If you have not done so yet, please do so afterwards.

This is just an example from one of our stories. Feel free to write in your own style and flesh out what is important to you.

Dawn of the Beast

The story combines the content of ancient empires with classic hunting elements. After the discovery of a mangled corpse you are supposed to track down the murderer and follow the trail of blood with a small squad and your mentor Quintus. Along the way you’ll encounter the beast, barbarians and possibly more dead. In this gripping mix of fantasy, mystery and history, you alone must decide who you can trust!

“I… I…Die…” he stutters. The barbarian’s voice cracks and his body starts to shake. Those fierce eyes fixate on you. Then they become pale and cold. His body sinks down, the last sparks of life leaving. “A shame we didn’t find him sooner. Maybe he could’ve given us some information on what attacked him“, the young man at your side comments with a sad glance.

Do you want to search the dead barbarian or leave his corpse in peace?

Writer’s Comment:
Searching the barbarian will reveal important clues to the story, while leaving the corpse in peace will raise reputation with the barbarians, which is decisive later on. Reputation will be handled via variables..

I have read and agree to the privacy policy. You can withdrawl your agreement any time at the following adress: kontakt@ear-reality.de. You will find more information in our Datenschutzbestimmungen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



This is just an example from one of our stories. Feel free to write in your own style and flesh out what is important to you.


Dawn of the Beast


The story combines the content of ancient empires with classic hunting elements. After the discovery of a mangled corpse you are supposed to track down the murderer and follow the trail of blood with a small squad and your mentor Quintus. Along the way you’ll encounter the beast, barbarians and possibly more dead. In this gripping mix of fantasy, mystery and history, you alone must decide who you can trust!


“I… I…Die…” he stutters. The barbarian’s voice cracks and his body starts to shake. Those fierce eyes fixate on you. Then they become pale and cold. His body sinks down, the last sparks of life leaving. “A shame we didn’t find him sooner. Maybe he could’ve given us some information on what attacked him“, the young man at your side comments with a sad glance.


Do you want to search the dead barbarian or leave his corpse in peace?

Writer’s Comment:

Searching the barbarian will reveal important clues to the story, while leaving the corpse in peace will raise reputation with the barbarians, which is decisive later on. Reputation will be handled via variables..

Entdecke unsere interaktiven Formate

Interactive Audio Stories are interactive fiction stories in audio format.  Depending on the platform users are playing on, they can either click buttons or simply talk to the story or the device to make choices. 

Unsere Game Engine TWIST ermöglicht es Autoren, clevere Spielmechaniken wie Variablen für das Inventar, Charakterbeziehungen oder Zufallsereignisse zu implementieren.

As we are focused on audio, we recommend that you write for listeners rather than readers and to limit Spielzeit für eine einzelne Geschichte oder eine Episode auf 15-25 Minuten zu begrenzen.

Interaktive Kurzgeschichten sind äußerst fesselnde und faszinierende interaktive Geschichten im Audioformat. Sie folgen der Grundformel: Eine Geschichte. Eine Auswahl. Eine Minute.

From Twisted and Complementary Stories to Sagas or Survival Stories, they’re offering dozens of interesting varations to explore as a writer. All of them are easy to write and quick to produce and will inspire your creativity.

Wenn du mehr über interaktive Kurzgeschichten erfahren möchtest, schau in unserer Spielebibliothek nach oder schick uns eine E-Mail.

Mit unserer Game Engine TWIST kannst du ganz einfach Quizze oder Persönlichkeitstests erstellen und sie mühelos auf jedem beliebigen Gerät als Text oder in Audioform veröffentlichen.

What more is there to say? Nothing. It’s that simple.

How to write interactive fiction and interactive audio stories

Besser schreiben? Hol dir das Buch!

Wir haben alles, was wir über "Wie man am besten interaktive Audiogeschichten schreibt" herausgefunden haben, auf 180 Seiten zusammengefasst. Es hat uns drei Jahre gekostet, dieses Buch zu schreiben, aber es hat sich gelohnt.

Es ist voll von wertvollen Informationen über narratives Design und praktischen Beispielen für interaktives Storytelling.

Abonniere den Newsletter und erhalte das PDF kostenlos! 

Unsere Story Coaches sind für dich da

Unsere erfahrenen Interactive Story Coaches unterstützen dich während deines gesamten Schreibprozesses.

Vom Konzept über den Entwurf bis hin zur perfekten Interactive Fiction Story - wir coachen dich in der Nutzung unserer Game Engine TWIST, der Ausarbeitung packender Entscheidungen und dem Schreiben fesselnder Geschichten.

story creator
Story creator

Erstelle Interaktive Geschichten ganz einfach mit TWIST

TWIST ist die marktführende Game Engine für die Erstellung und Veröffentlichung von Interactive Audio Stories.
Es ist browserbasiert, benötigt keine Programmierkenntnisse und bietet eine visuelle Schnittstelle zusammen mit großartigen Spielmechaniken.
Das Erstellen von interaktiven Geschichten war noch nie so einfach!

Report (users and sessions per story per quarter)

Verbessere Deine Geschichten
anhand von Nutzerdaten

TWIST ermöglicht es dir, das Verhalten deiner Nutzer einfach zu analysieren.

Greife jederzeit auf die Analytics zu, um das Engagement der Nutzer, die Dauer der Sessions, die Storyentscheidungen und die Absprungspunkte in deinen Geschichten zu überprüfen.

Wenn du verstehst, wie sich deine Fans in deinen Geschichten verhalten, kannst du bessere Stories schreiben, mehr Nutzer erreichen und mehr verdienen.


Los geht's

Schau dir das Video oben an, um einen Eindruck zu bekommen, wie einfach du eine interaktive Audiogeschichte mit TWIST erstellen kannst. Unser visueller Flow-Chart-Builder, vielfältige Gameplay-Mechaniken und die Testumgebung geben dir alles an die Hand, was du brauchst, um deine Ideen schnell und einfach umsetzen.

TWIST spielt interaktive Audio Stories auf mehreren Plattformen wie Amazon Alexa, Webseiten, unserer App oder Discord aus. Der gesamte Prozess wird in TWIST gemanaged, im Grunde müssen wir dafür nur einen Button klicken. Im Augenblick bieten wir aber nur Publishing an. Unser Self Publishing Programm startet voraussichtlich Ende des Jahres.

TWIST aka The Wonderful Interactive Story Tool ist unsere Game Engine. Du kannst dich einfach über deinen Browser einloggen, und schnell und einfach interaktive Audio Stories erstellen.

Twist Tales is our portal for interactive audiobooks, podcasts and quizzes. Think of it like Spotify or Audible, but for interactive audio experiences. Twist Tales is available as an app, on our website, on Discord or Amazon Alexa Skill and can reach very different audiences.