Join the FIST of TWIST!

Become an Intern

at EarReality

5 Tips on Writing: With Juanita Cepero

EarReality offers internship opportunities for university students in Marketing, Narrative Design, Web & App Development. If you’re passionate about storytelling, gaming, or innovative technology, we’d love to hear from you!

Please fill out the form below.

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Your Name


Native Proficiency
Expert Proficiency

Your social media accounts

Not obligatotional, but we would be happy if you would provide links to some of your social media accounts so that we can create more visibility. For everyone and for everyone's stories.
Would you be willing to support EarReality's social media efforts (e.g., by sharing content)?
We want our community to be actively engaged and to contribute to our common cause.
What's your writing background?
Which genres are you familiar with the most?
How would you rate your general writing level?
Have you written interactive stories before?
Which writing tools or software have you used?
What mobile operating system do you use?
Are you familiar with our TWIST Tales mobile app?
We strongly recommend you to download the app and play into some of our interactive audio stories. You can not write interactive audio stories if you have never played some.
Please list some of our interactive audio stories you have been playing
Are you a full-time or part-time author?
What is your expected rate per 5000 words?
Occasionally EarReality obtains freelance contracts for writing work. We can not guarantee those, but we do our best to provide you with such opportunities via our newsletter or direct mailings. If you're interested in putting your name on our freelance writers list, please let us know your rate here. And just be honest, please. If your rate does not meet a client's or our budget, then it's better to know in advance before wasting anyone's time.
What activities are you interested in?
Any questions or suggestions? 😉
Newsletter Subscription
Required so we can inform you about upcoming opportunities for freelance jobs, webinars, etc.

What's the third letter in TWIST?